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2021 Offseason Training Log

481 Posts
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3/25 (Legs)

Great fuckin' Leg day today! Added in the S/L Leg Press for the first time today and we'll see how it plays out over time. The end of this diet is in sight so it's time to start increasing workload as well as food!


Full Session:

Bilateral Bicep Cable Curl 1x17, 1x10

Seated Calf Raise 1x14, 1x20

Standing Calf Raise 1x11

Adductor 1x20

Lying Leg Curl 1x11

Leg Extension 1x16

Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x10

S/L Leg Press 1x16

Posted : 25/03/2022 5:02 pm
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3/26 (Rest)

Rest Day today plus Saturday. Had a pretty busy morning with check ins, then posted some content before going out to eat with one of Carissa's friends and her boyfriend and then going to a paint and sip! Had a lot of fun there!


3/27 (Pull)

Sunday Pull session was great today, really killed my lift progressions! First session with the T Bar Row back in, really love how simple this movement is. Grip and rip, that's about it.


Spending the rest of the day relaxing before starting this next week of work!


Full Session:

Seated Cable Fly 1x14

Bilateral D Handle'd Cable Pulldown 1x14, 1x17

S/A Low Row 1x10, 1x6

Hammer Pulldown 1x10

Icarian T Bar Row 1x10, 1x17

FreeMotion Preacher Curl 1x9

Incline DB Curl 1x10, 1x13

Long Rope Tricep Extension 1x15, 1x12

Posted : 27/03/2022 11:28 pm
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3/28 (Legs)

RDL Legs, slowly becoming the hardest session of the week for me. This session covers pretty much all my weaknesses from both a physique and movement perspective so it's the one that takes the biggest mental and physical toll.


Adductor is feeling tight and sore again, gonna keep an eye on it day to day and pull back on direct Adductor work if needed.


Much needed day off tomorrow!


Full Session:

Seated Cuffed Lateral 1x12, 1x15

Standing Calf Raise 1x11, 1x20

Seated Calf Raise 1x11

Adductor 1x10

Seated Leg Curl 1x15

BB RDL 1x8

Leg Extension 1x13, 1x21

RFE DB SS 1x14


Posted : 28/03/2022 11:33 pm
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3/29 (Rest)

Rest day today, woke up feeling exhausted after yesterday's RDL Leg day. Worked the morning shift at work where I also worked on some client work, then came home and took a nap before going live on TikTok and then calling my parents! Great rest day and ready for Push tomorrow!


3/30 (Push)

Held performance on my Incline Presses but regressed 1 rep on both sets of Smith JM Press. After losing a rep on each set on the Floor Press last week, this is obvious feedback my Triceps are overtrained. Since the Triceps contribute a lot to your Chest Pressing, that also explains why Chest Presses stalled today. Skipped my Tricep isolation work at the end of the session to promote recovery and will potentially skip Tricep isolation work at the end of Pull on Sunday so I can be ready for Push next week and try to get these reps back.


Full Session:

S/A Low Cable Row 1x16, 1x10

Hammer Strength Pec Dec 1x10

Hammer Strength Incline Press 1x8, 1x12

Magnum Pec Dec 1x12

Reverse Pec Dec 2x13

Cybex Lateral Raise 1x14.5, 1x13.5

Standing Cuffed Lateral Raise 1x11

Smith JM Press 1x13, 1x7

Overhead Tricep Extension Machine skipped for recovery purposes

Posted : 30/03/2022 4:52 pm
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3/31 (Rest)

Rest Day today, woke up and got my haircut then came home and onboarded a client and then edited a YouTube video. Posted that video and then went to work where I ended up having to stay late. Not ideal but it is what it is.


4/1 (Legs)

Adductor cooperated this morning so I got some productive work in there which was great. Legs went picture perfect and I'm pretty fucking tired because of it Going to try and go to bed early tonight and rest up for a busy day of check ins tomorrow!


Full Session:

Bilateral Cable Bicep Curl 1x18, 1x11

Seated Calf Raise 1x15, 1x17

Standing Calf Raise 1x11

Adductor 1x13

Lying Leg Curl 1x13

Paused Leg Extension 1x17

Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x10+ecc

S/L Leg Press 1x16

Posted : 01/04/2022 5:26 pm
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4/2 (Rest)

Rest day today and client check in day. Busy morning with check ins and then Carissa and I went to lunch at Chili's before heading home and doing nothing the rest of the day lol. It was a rainy, shitty day and we both felt super lazy. Watched the Final Four and some CDL games and then went to bed early.


4/3 (Pull)

Sunday Pull this morning. Woke up early and knocked it out and then came home and went to brunch with Carissa. Ran some errands and then home to do laundry and do some client work. Going to relax the rest of the day and get ready for RDL Legs tomorrow!


Full Session:

Seated Cable Fly 1x16

S/A Hammer Low Row 1x12, 1x15

Bilateral D Handle'd Mag Grip Pulldown 1x15, 1x10

Hammer High Row 1x12

StarTrac Pulldown 1x10, 1x13

Shortened focus Cable Curl 1x12, 1x9

DB Preacher Curl 1x10

Bilateral Overhead Tricep Extension Machine 1x11

Posted : 03/04/2022 7:36 pm
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4/4 (Legs)

RDL Legs today. Session was good but I've had better, RDL's had more knee flexion than I'd like and Split Squats were wobbly as shit. Notes taken and next time will be better.


Full Session:

Seated Cuffed Lateral 1x11, 1x14

Standing Calf Raise 1x12, 1x14

Seated Calf Raise 1x10

Adductor 1x12

Seated Ham Curl 1x10

BB RDL 1x7+eccentric

Leg Extension 1x14, 1x15

RFE DB SS 1x11

Posted : 05/04/2022 12:34 am
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4/5 (Rest)

Rest day today. Woke up and went to work and worked on some client work while there. Came home and did a client consultation and then went live on TikTok before prepping the next day's food and calling it a day.


4/6 (Push)

Push today coming off a Rest Day yesterday. Had a hard time falling asleep last night so I took a Benadryl which always has me super foggy when I wake. Still gotta get it done though so we push onward.


I was forced to use a different Smith Machine today which has less ROM than the one I usually use, so today's Floor Presses were done in a "deadstop" style. Very happy with progressions taken today. Resting again tomorrow!


Full Session:

S/A Kneeling Pulldown 1x15, 1x8

Seated Cable Fly 1x13

LifeFitness Incline Press 1x8, 1x14

Smith Floor Press 1x10, 1x5

Lying Cuffed Lateral Raise 1x14, 1x12, 1x9

Cuffed Rear Delt Fly 1x11, 1x14

S/A Machine Overhead Extension 1x10

Posted : 06/04/2022 5:58 pm
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4/7 (Rest)

Rest Day today, worked the morning shift at the store and then came home and onboarded a client. After that I recorded a video for YouTube and then cooked food for the next day, got some time to play some video games and chill out for a bit at night so I took advantage of that and then go to bed at a decent time!


4/8 (Legs)

Hack Squat Legs today, really brutal session! Very very fatigued from this one so I'm looking forward to resting tomorrow. About to head to work and finish this week off strong!


Full Session:

Bilateral Bicep Cable Curl 1x18, 1x11

Seated Calf Raise 1x14, 1x17

Standing Calf Raise 1x10

Adductor 1x14

Lying Leg Curl 1x14

Paused Leg Extension 1x10

Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x9

S/L Leg Press 1x15 

Posted : 08/04/2022 5:55 pm
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4/9 (Rest)

Rest day today, had 5 check ins to do in the morning then we ran some errands and went over to Carissa's moms house to see her brothers. Pretty chill and relaxed day.


4/10 (Pull)

Sunday afternoon Pull today. Slept in this morning and went out for breakfast and grabbed some groceries before coming home and doing a little client work and then headed to train. Great Pull day today, looking forward to relaxing the rest of the day and getting geared up for RDL Legs tomorrow.


Full Session:

Standing Cable Fly 1x12

Bilateral D Handle'd Cable Pulldown 1x14, 1x13

S/A Machine Low Row 1x11, 1x7

Hammer Pulldown 1x11

Icarian T Bar Row 1x10, 1x16.5

FreeMotion Preacher Curl 1x8

Incline DB Curl 1x11, 1x15

Long Rope Tricep Extension 1x15

Posted : 10/04/2022 9:45 pm
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4/11 (Legs)

RDL Legs today, really knocked this one out of the park. Continuing to make micro improvements week to week with the RDL both in execution and reps/load. At this rate, I'll go from a shitty RDL'er to a slightly-ess-shitty RDL'er by the end of the year 😀


Rest tomorrow which will more than likely be spent in zombie mode, I always feel exhausted the day after this one.


Full Session:

Seated Cuffed Lateral 1x10, 1x14

Standing Calf Raise 1x11, 1x14

Seated Calf Raise 1x14

Adductor 1x14

Seated Leg Curl 1x12

BB RDL 1x8

Leg Extension 1x15, 1x18

RFE DB SS 1x11+eccentric

Posted : 12/04/2022 12:13 am
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4/12 (Rest)

Rest Day today. Worked the morning shift at work where I was busy with customers and client work. Also got my latest YouTube video edited and rendered today. Came home and did some meal prepping and cleaning before hopping on TikTok Live and doing a Live session. Ended the night with some Warzone and then hit the sheets!


4/13 (Push)

Mixed bag of a Push session. Fatigue has been creeping upwards this past week and the past few sessions have been grinders both physically and mentally and today was no exception. Auto-regulated my volume after taking a 1 rep regression on the first set of Hammer Incline which was the main thing that solidified the fatigue for me.


Resting tomorrow and then will have Hack Squat Legs on Friday as the last session of this training block. I'll take the weekend off for Easter and then train M,W,F next week at Deload volume unless I miraculously wake up feeling like a new man in the next few days 🤣 


Full Session:

S/A Low Cable Row 1x17, 1x10

Hammer Strength Pec Dec 1x10.5

Hammer Strength Incline Press 1x7

Magnum Pec Dec Fly 1x11

Reverse Pec Dec 1x14, 1x12

Cybex Lateral Raise 1x11, 1x15

Standing Cuffed Lateral Raise 1x11

Smith JM Press 1x13, 1x8.5

Posted : 13/04/2022 5:43 pm
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4/14 (Rest)

Rest Day today. Worked the early shift at work where I finished up some client work and got some content posted. Came home and prepped some food before onboarding a client and then going Live on TikTok again, trying to make this a regular thing on rest days. Feeling pretty tired today so going to try and go to bed early tonight and kill Legs tomorrow.


4/15 (Legs)

Couldn't have possibly ended this block any better! Picture perfect Leg day! Really kicked the shit out of this one. Looking forward to a double rest this weekend and then only 3 days of Deload training next week.


I've moved my Delt/Bicep work in my Leg sessions to the end rather than the beginning, I'd much rather get stuck into my Leg work and finish with the bullshit accessory stuff than doing it the other way around. I'd also rank Leg development higher than delt/arm development on my priority list right now so this move makes sense.


Full Session:

Seated Calf Raise 1x14, 1x18

Standing Calf Raise 1x10

Adductor 1x16

Lying Leg Curl 1x14

Paused Leg Extension 1x12

Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x10

S/L Leg Press 1x17(R)/18(L)

Bilateral Cable Bicep Curl 1x9, 1x13

DB Lateral Raise 1x11, 1x16 (partial reps to failure both sets)

Posted : 15/04/2022 9:26 pm
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4/16 & 4/17 (Rest)

Double-rest this weekend to kick off this Deload. I actually worked at the store on Saturday (16th) to cover for someone and then Sunday (17th) was Easter! Had a great Easter Sunday with my family and ate a lot of great food!


4/18 (Pull - Deload)

First Deload session ticked off, in and out of the gym in 44 minutes. Resting tomorrow and then Deload RDL legs on Wednesday morning!


Full Session:

S/A Low Hammer Row 1x11 ea

Bilateral D Handle'd Cable Pulldown 1x14

Hammer High Row 1x11

StarTrac Pulldown 1x11

Shortened focus Cable Curl 1x12

DB Preacher Curl 1x11

Posted : 18/04/2022 11:49 pm
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4/19 (Rest)

Rest Day today, worked the morning shift at the store where I posted content on TikTok, IG and YouTube and then headed to the grocery store after work. Came home and prepped some food and editing a video for a little bit before deciding I wanted to spend the rest of my day being lazy so I played some video games and watched the NBA Playoffs for a bit before heading to sleep.


4/20 (Legs - Deload)

Deload Legs today, RDL session. Adductor was too sore to get productive work in so I had to skip it, kind of frustrating honestly as it had seemed to be getting better recently. Ice and soft tissue work will start tonight to try and get that up to speed.


Going to work this afternoon where I'll upload some more content and continue to edit a video, then come home and prep some food for tomorrow as I work early in the morning.


Full Session:

Adductor - Skipped after 3-4 warmup sets

Standing Calf Raise 1x12

Seated Calf Raise 1x11

Seated Leg Curl 1x13

BB RDL 1x7 w/ 1 RIR

Leg Extension 1x11

RFE DB SS 1x12

Posted : 20/04/2022 4:52 pm
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