8/10 (Rest)
Rest day today. Woke up and filmed a bunch of content and then took a quick nap before work. Went to work and cranked out some more content before coming home and watching TV!
8/11 (Legs)
Had a hard time falling asleep last night so I missed out on 2-2.5 hours or so. Drank an energy drink right away in the morning and then had another one prior to training so I got the work done, hoping I can get some good sleep tonight!
Full Session:
Bilateral Cable Curl 1x11, 1x16
Seated Calf Raise 1x13
Standing Calf Raise 1x10
Paused Leg Extension 1x12
Lying Leg Curl 1x10, 1x14
Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x9, 1x14
8/12 (Push)
Great Push session to the end the training week. Full day of work tomorrow so gonna just try and relax a bit today after I get some content filmed.
Full Session:
S/A Low Row 1x10, 1x14
Hammer Strength Pec Dec 1x10
Mid Incline Smith Press 1x9, 1x14+1
Cybex Lateral Raise 1x11, 1x15
Smith JM Press 1x8, 1x11
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x10
Cross Body Extension 1x13.99999999
8/13 (Rest)
Rest day today, very busy day. Checked in with most of my clients in the morning and then had to cover someone's shift at the store so I worked another 6 hours there, got a lot of stuff done there and posted a ton of content too. From work I went over to my girlfriend's moms house to spend some time with the family. Long assss day.
8/14 (Legs)
I've rearranged my training schedule this week so I can align it with one of my clients so we can train together this weekend. He's 11 weeks out of his first show so it's getting critical for me to see him in person. This means I'll be training 5 days this week instead of 4, and 3 of those will be Leg Days haha. Gonna be a hard ass week of training but I'm making some modifications to each session to allow for more recovery.
No Bicep work today since I'm hitting Pull tomorrow instead of Tuesday.
Full Session:
Standing Calf Raise 1x9
Seated Calf Raise 1x14
Seated Leg Curl 1x11, 1x20
BB RDL 1x7
Leg Extension 1x10, 1x17
Contra RFE DB SS 1x12
Lying Cuffed Lateral 1x11, 1x16
8/15 (Pull)
Great Pull session today, no Leg Extension or Adductor work because I trained Legs yesterday. Rest tomorrow and then Legs again on Wednesday morning.
Full Session:
S/A Hammer Low Row 1x10, 1x15
D Handle'd Pulldown 2x11
Hammer High Row 1x9
StarTrac Pulldown 1x10, 1x13
EZ Bar Curl 1x10, 1x15
Face Away Curl 1x10, 1x15
Reverse Pec Dec 2x10
8/16 (Rest)
Rest day today, busy day! Worked the morning shift at the store and then went and ran some errands then came home and posted more content. Busy day of content posting and editing! Played some Warzone and prepped some food at night and then hit the sheets!
8/17 (Legs)
Only 1 set of Hacks today because I'll be Hack Squatting again in 3 days time. Since I only had one set today I decided to get aggressive and hit 6pps for the first time here. This was a larger-than-normal weight jump so I expected reps to drop which they did, but I'm confident I can build this up in the weeks to come!
Full Session:
Bilateral Cable Curl 1x11, 1x16
Lying Leg Curl 1x7, 1x15.5
Paused Leg Extension 1x13
Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x5
Seated Calf Raise 1x10
Standing Calf Raise 1x12
8/18 (Push)
Great Push session this morning. Resting tomorrow then Legs with a client on Saturday!
Full Session:
S/A Pulldown 1x10, 1x15
DB Lateral 1x12, 1x17 (+partials both sets)
LifeFitness Incline 1x8, 1x13.5
Smith Floor Press 1x8, 1x14
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x12, 1x15
Seated Cable Fly 1x12
S/A Overhead Extension 1x11
8/19 (Rest)
Rest day today, ran some errands this morning and then went to work and posted/edited a bunch of content as usual. Came home and played some video games and then hit the sheets!
8/20 (Legs)
Check In day this morning with clients and then headed to a different gym to train Legs with one of my clients who's 10 weeks out his first show. My goal when training with someone is to set the pace intensity-wise and made adjustments to their technique and execution wherever possible. Did not log this session because all equipment used was different and I don't have any numbers for this stuff so I just focused on making every set count and getting after it!
8/21 (Rest)
Rest day today, probably not going to do a lot of things today. Looking forward to just chilling out!
8/22 (Pull)
Great Pull session today to start the week off strong. No Leg Extension frequency work since my Quads are smashed from 3 Leg Days last week. First set of DB Hammer Curls was dogshit and the final straw for this movement, I'll be swapping it out next rotation.
Full Session:
D Handle'd Pulldown 1x9, 1x17
Hammer Pulldown 1x12
S/A Low Row 1x14, 1x8
T Bar Row 1x8, 1x16
DB Hammer Curl 1x6
Incline DB Curl 1x10, 1x12
Cuffed Rear Delt Fly 1x10, 1x14
8/23 (Rest)
Rest Day today, worked the morning shift at work where I posted a lot of content and responded to a lot of comments and then came home and had a client consultation before prepping some food, playing some video games and watching the Yankees game! Great rest day overall.
8/24 (Legs)
This session got skipped last rotation to make my schedule fit my clients so I was looking forward to getting back to this one. Performance was much better than I anticipated today, taking a week off this one must have done me good!
Full Session:
Standing Calf Raise 1x11
Seated Calf Raise 1x13
Seated Leg Curl 1x10, 1x17
BB RDL 1x8
Leg Extension 1x11, 1x18
FreeMotion Preacher Curl 1x11
8/25 (Rest)
Rest day today, I was super tired today so I felt like I was lazy but in hindsight I got a lot done. I worked from home most of the morning and posted some content and responded to comments, then went to work and filmed and posted more content and responded to more replies, then came home and had a client consultation call that went pretty well! Ended the night with some YuGiOh!
8/26 (Push)
Woke up this morning and got some check in's done then went and had a great Push session! Came home and did more check in's and an Onboarding video and I'm getting ready to go to the store this afternoon! Hopefully it's a slow and boring day at work, I'm tiiiiiired today 😴
Full Session:
S/A Low Row 1x10, 1x15
Hammer Strength Pec Dec 1x11
Cybex Lateral 1x12, 1x16
Mid Incline Smith Press 1x7, 1x12
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x10
Smith JM Press 1x9, 1x12
Cross Body Extension 1x12
8/27 (Rest)
Rest day today, today was also my birthday! Woohoo 26 lol. Spent the morning doing client check in's and then Carissa and I went out for breakfast and then came home and took a nap. I met up with my parents and grandparents for dinner which was a great time! Awesome birthday and rest day overall!
8/28 (Legs)
Great Leg session today, was very happy with everything on this one. Spent the rest of the day running errands and relaxing, great Sunday overall.
Full Session:
Bilateral Cable Curl 1x11, 1x16
Lying Cuffed Lateral 1x12, 1x16.5
Lying Leg Curl 1x8, 1x10
Paused Leg Extension 1x13
Reverse Banded Hack 1x5, 1x12
Seated Calf Raise 1x11
Standing Calf Raise 1x7
8/29 (Rest)
Rest day today, worked the morning shift at work where I posted some content and interviewed someone. Came home and had a client consultation and then prepped some food and then played video games with one of my friends for a little bit.
8/30 (Pull)
Worked the morning shift at work again and then had a great Pull session afterwards. Going to prep some food and get some stuff done tonight and then resting again tomorrow!
Full Session:
S/A Low Row 1x10, 1x16
Bilateral D Handle'd Pulldown 1x12, 1x7
Hammer High Row 1x10+1
StarTrac Pulldown 1x10, 1x14
EZ Bar Curl 1x10, 1x12
Incline Cable Curl 1x11, 1x16
Reverse Pec Dec 1x8
S/L Leg Extension 1x19, 1x10
8/31 (Rest)
Rest day today, took it easy today. I've done a lot of work these past few weeks with little break so I took today as a slower day. I still worked and posted content but I took plenty of time to chill and relax today as well. Went to work in the afternoon and then came home and played some Fortnite with a buddy and hit the sheets!
9/1 (Legs)
What a great fuckin Leg day today but holy shit am I tired from it. This RDL day is always soooo hard and leaves me feeling exhausted after it. Push tomorrow and then that's the last session for the week!
Full Session:
Alternating DB Curl 1x9, 1x14
Standing Calf Raise 1x8
Seated Calf Raise 1x11
Seated Leg Curl 1x12, 1x20
BB RDL 1x8+eccentric
Leg Extension 1x12, 1x17
Contra RFE DB SS 1x10
9/2 (Push)
Very busy morning today, had 3 online check in's and 1 client in-person today. Got some posing in with him and then hit the gym for a decent Push session. Some numbers were not where I wanted them to be today but for the most part this was an 8.5/10 session.
Full Session:
S/A Pulldown 1x11, 1x16
DB Lateral 1x12, 1x17 (partials both sets)
LifeFitness Incline Press 1x7, 1x13
Smith Floor Press 1x7, 1x12
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x11, 1x16
Seated Cable Fly 1x9
S/A OH Extension 1x8L7R, 1x8L6R
9/3 (Rest)
Rest day today and a busy day of work. Client check in's in the morning and working the store in the afternoon. Very busy day, super tired after this one.
9/4 (Legs)
Great Sunday Leg session today. Performance was great and weights moved well! Tomorrow is Carissa's birthday as well as Labor Day so I'm looking forward to the day off!
Full Session:
Seated Calf Raise 1x12
Standing Calf Raise 1x9
Lying Leg Curl 1x9, 1x12
Paused Leg Extension 1x10
Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x6, 1x14
Bilateral Cable Curl 1x10
Lying Cuffed Lateral 1x10, 1x14
9/5 (Rest)
Carissa's birthday today! We're meeting up with some friends for lunch and then going to go over to Carissa's mom's house and have dinner there. Should be a great time!