9/6 (Pull)
Great Pull session coming off yesterday's Rest day. Looking forward to resting tomorrow, busy day!
Full Session:
S/L Leg Extension 1x15, 1x9
Bilateral D Handle'd Pulldown 1x10, 1x11
Hammer Pulldown 1x10
S/A FreeMotion Low Row 1x15, 1x9
T Bar Row 1x8, 1x15
FreeMotion Preacher Curl 1x11, 1x10
Cuffed Rear Delt Fly 1x11, 1x15
Incline DB Curl 1x10, 1x12
9/7 (Rest)
Rest day today, client and content work in the morning and then afternoon shift at the store where more client and content work was done lol. Busy ass day.
9/8 (Legs)
Had a shitty night of sleep last night, my second instance of this this week. Digestion has also taken a toll lately so it's most definitely time to Deload. The plan for now is to hit Push B tomorrow at full volume as my last session at full volume in this block and then start Deloading Saturday. If I have another poor night of sleep tonight or wake up feeling like a sack of shit tomorrow I'll probably skip Push altogether and just begin the Deload immediately. When my body is in a position of fatigue like this, I let IT dictate the schedule, not my brain: it's impossible for me to predict how I will feel tomorrow so I just play it day-by-day.
Full Session:
S/A DB Curl 1x7, 1x12
Standing Calf Raise 1x9
Seated Calf Raise 1x9
Seated Leg Curl 1x7, 1x15
BB RDL 1x7
Leg Extension 1x7, 1x18
Contra RFE DB SS 1x11
9/9 (Push)
Didn't know what to expect with today's Push session but it went very well! I had a couple sets that regressed so I think it's probably in my best interest to Deload this coming week and taper my volume down. I'll give it a day or so and sleep on it but I'm about 95% sure this is the next move for me.
Full Session:
S/A Low Cable Row 1x9, 1x16
Hammer Strength Pec Dec 1x12
Mid Incline Smith Press 1x7, 1x12
Cybex Lateral 1x10, 1x17
Smith JM Press 1x8, 1x10
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x7
Cross Body Tricep Extension 1x7
9/10 (Rest)
Rest day today. Busy morning with Check In's and then Carissa and I went for a drive and had a nice dinner. Came home and played some video games for a little bit and then hit the sheets early!
9/11 (Legs)
Hit Legs this morning with my client Joey who's currently 8 weeks out. Got in and out at a good pace for this one and then headed home to watch some football and take care of some work! Hoping to chill as much as possible today!
9/12 (Rest)
Rest day today. Got a lot of content work and client work done today and then came home and prepped some food and watched some football! Overall really great day.
9/13 (Pull - Deload)
Great Pull session today, in and out in a little over an hour. I think my favorite part of Deload sessions is how quick they are 🤣
Full Session:
S/L Leg Extension 1x20
S/A Low Hammer Row 1x10
Hammer High Row 1x9
StarTrac Pulldown 1x10
EZ Bar Curl 1x9
Face Away Cable Curl 1x10
Reverse Pec Dec 1x9
9/14 (Rest)
Rest day today, same ol rest day routine as usual lol. Client work, content work, eating, working at the store (L), meal prep, sleep 😴
9/15 (Push - Deload)
Final Deload session done, I'll take 2 days off on Friday and Saturday and be back at it for RDL Legs on Sunday. Got some more client work and content work to do this afternoon and then going to try and hit the hay early tonight as I'm superrrr tiiiired 😪
Full Session:
S/A Pulldown 1x11
DB Lateral 1x12 w/ partials
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x11
LifeFitness Incline Press 1x7
Smith Floor Press 1x8
Seated Cable Fly 1x11
S/A Overhead Extension 1x8
9/16 (Rest)
Rest day today and busy day overall. Had to work at the store and got a lot of things done there as well as some content and client work. Came home and did more client work before calling it a night.
9/17 (Rest)
Rest day today and even busier day than yesterday. 6 client check in's online, 2 client consultations and had a client come to the house and do a posing session. Ended the night with some baseball and YouTube and then hit the sheets early.
9/18 (Legs)
First session back post Deload and I've made a few changes to this session from last block.
- I was previously doing 1 set on the Seated Calf Raise and 1 on the Standing and I've changed that to do both sets on the Standing. On my other Leg rotation I'll do 2 sets on the Seated to make sure weekly volume on each is matched. This is more or less a time-saving decision, doing 2 sets on 1 exercise is quicker than doing 1 on two.
- I was previously doing Delt and Bicep work here and I've changed that to Bicep and Tricep work. My Triceps can be prioritized more than my Delts so the extra Delt frequency really isn't necessary.
Full Session:
Adductor 1x30, 1x22
S/A DB Curl 1x8, 1x13
Tricep Extension 1x10
Standing Calf Raise 1x10, 1x8
Seated Leg Curl 1x8, 1x15
BB RDL 1x7
Leg Extension 1x9, 1x18
Contra RFE DB SS 1x12
9/19 (Rest)
Monday Rest Day today. Worked the morning shift at work which was busy, then came home and did some content work and prepped some food. Pretty typical rest day now-a-days.
9/20 (Pull)
First time hitting this session this block, only one program change made from the previous block which is changing the Bilateral Cable Pulldown to the Unilateral version. This aligns the cable with the Lat a little better than the dual armed version and feels a little better on my Shoulder.
Full Session:
S/L Leg Extension 1x20, 1x10
S/A Cable Pulldown 1x9, 1x12
Hammer Pulldown 1x11
S/A FreeMotion Low Row 1x15, 1x9
T Bar Row 1x9, 1x14
FreeMotion Preacher Curl 1x10, 1x11
Cuffed Rear Delt Fly 1x11, 1x16
Incline DB Curl 1x11, 1x13
9/21 (Rest)
Busy rest day today. Got some content and client work done in the morning and then worked at the store in the afternoon where I interviewed someone, then got more content work done. Came home and wanted to get to bed early so I could have a good Leg session today so that's what we did!
9/22 (Legs)
Great Leg session today! A new Bicep curl added into this block as well as 2 working sets on the Seated Calf instead of 1 Seated/1 Standing (as mentioned in my last Leg post). Starting to get back into full intensity Adductor work which is very exciting!
Full Session:
Seated Calf Raise 1x10, 1x8
Adductor 1x30, 1x28
Paused Leg Extension 1x11
Lying Leg Curl 1x9, 1x12
High Cable Curl 1x7, 1x12
Reverse Banded Hack 1x7, 1x13
9/23 (Push)
Mixed bag today. Took some progressions on probably 75% of the work but the cable stack where I do my Cross-Body Extensions was broken so I had to improvise and I skipped my Cuffed Laterals because my shoulder was screaming at me to stop. I have some program adjusting to do in this session, for sure.
Full Session:
S/A Low Row 1x10, 1x13
Hammer Strength Pec Dec 1x12
Mid Incline Smith Press 1x7, 1x11
Smith JM Pres 1x8, 1x10
Cybex Lateral 1x11, 1x17
IR Tricep Extension 1x14
Cuffed Lateral - SKIP
9/24 (Rest)
Busy rest day today. Client check in's in the morning, then went and got breakfast and got groceries. Came home and took a nap before getting up and doing some cleaning, took a shower, and then ended the night with a movie and early bed. Great rest day!
9/25 (Legs)
Got a great leg session with my client Joey this morning. I had just Hack Squatted 3 days ago so I did my lighter set first and then increased weight and ended with my heavier weight which felt really good actually. Got a busy day with some family and food prep to do then back to the grind tomorrow!
(No numbers for this session as I'm not familiar with equipment here)
9/26 (Rest)
Rest day today. Worked the morning shift at work which was very busy and then came home and had a consultation call with a potential client. From there I did some filming and cooking, busy day!
9/27 (Pull)
Another session that needs to have it's programming adjusted. For the first time today, I felt myself being pulled up out of the bench on my Cable Pulldowns and it really ruined the set. Realistically I think this is big enough of a limiting factor that this movement is just gonna have to go for something less intrusive. So next rotation, I'll start this session with a Cuffed Pullover, then transition over to the High Row, then stay on that same Hammer piece and do a Low lat-biased Row, then end the Upper Back work with the Diverging Pulldown.
Full Session:
S/L Leg Extension 1x21, 1x11
Hammer Low Row 1x10, 1x15
Hammer High Row 1x9
StarTrac Pulldown 1x9, 1x15
Cable Pulldown 1x10
EZ Bar Curl 1x10, 1x13
Face Away Curl 1x7, 1x13
Reverse Pec Dec 1x9, 1x12
9/28 (Rest)
Rest day today, one of the busiest days I've ever had. Woke up and prepped some food and then got a lot of client and content work done and then went to work and trained a potential new hire. Came home and hit the sheets as early as possible!
9/29 (Legs)
Great Leg session today before what will be another very busy day. I'd love to play around with adding another set of Split Squat here and may give that a go next rotation!
Full Session:
Standing Calf Raise 1x11, 1x10
High Cable Curl 1x8, 1x13
Adductor 1x30, 1x30, 1x20
Seated Leg Curl 1x9, 1x16
BB RDL 1x8
Leg Extension 1x10, 1x19
Contra RFE DB SS 1x7
9/30 (Push)
Early morning this morning for check in's, a client onboarding, and Push. Holy shit I am tired sitting here writing this! About to head to work in an hour or so which I hope flies by because I want to come home, eat, and go to sleep ASAP.
S/A Pulldown 1x10
DB Lateral 1x10 w/ partials
LifeFitness Incline 1x7, 1x13
Dips 2x7
Seated Cuffed Lateral 1x9, 1x11
Seated Cable Fly 1x8
S/A OH Extension 1x10
10/1 (Rest)
Rest day today, incredibly busy day. Had 7 client check in's and a consultation call in the morning then I watched a little bit of the Yankees game before taking a nap. Took a nap and woke up then went to dinner and got groceries before hitting the sheets early.
10/2 (Pull)
Got a Pull session in this morning with Joey. No numbers for the session because this isn't familiar equipment. Going to get some food prepped and content posted before meeting my family for my sister's family birthday dinner tonight which I'm very excited for!