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2021 Offseason Training Log

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2/24/23 (Rest)

Rest day today. Morning shift at the store, check in's in the afternoon, haircut at night. Busy day, exhausted.


2/25/23 (Legs)

Half volume Leg session today, 1 set and done. Still feeling pretty fatigued so I came home and napped. Movie and dinner tonight with Carissa!


Seated Calf Raise 1x10

Adductor 1x20

Seated Leg Curl 1x6

Leg Extension 1x11

High Cable Curl 1x6

Hack Squat 1x5

Posted : 25/02/2023 10:24 pm
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2/26/23 (Rest)

Rest day Sunday today, very relaxing day. Morning walk, then we went grocery shopping, I played some Pokemon and watched the CDL and then we ended the night with some TV!


2/27/23 (Push)

Another half volume session, today being Push. I'll do half volume Pull tomorrow and then assess from there whether or not I keep volume low for a little longer or start to re-introduce.


Cuffed Rear Delt Fly 1x7.5

Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x8.5

LifeFitness Incline Press 1x6

Dips 1x7

Seated Cuffed Lateral 1x8

Seated Cable Fly 110

S/A OH Extension 1x8

Posted : 27/02/2023 5:55 pm
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2/28/23 (Pull)

Half volume Pull was a thing of beauty, all time numbers hit across the board. I will probably do one more half volume workout on Thursday (Legs) and then return to full volume after the following Rest Day.


S/A Cable Pulldown 1x9

Hammer Pulldown 1x7

S/A Low Row 1x12

T Bar Row 1x6.5

Shrug 1x8

Preacher Curl 1x7

Incline DB Curl 1x7

Posted : 28/02/2023 5:22 pm
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3/1/23 (Rest)

Productive rest day today. Morning walk, morning cardio/stretching/rolling, check in's done, content posted and comments replied to, meals prepped and steps hit. Ready for Legs tomorrow!


3/2/23 (Legs)

Last half volume session today, weights were flying. I'll take tomorrow as a rest day and then be back for full volume Push and Pull this weekend!


Standing Calf Raise 1x8

Lying Leg Curl 1x7

RDL 1x5

Adductor 1x9

Leg Extension 1x8

Leg Press 1x13

Posted : 02/03/2023 7:35 pm
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3/3/23 (Rest)

Rest day today, worked the morning at GNC and then came home and had check in's and then a new client consultation. Busy day!


3/4/23 (Push)

One of my favorite feelings in training is coming back from a well-executed Deload and having your lifts skyrocket because of the reduced fatigue. The whole "1 step backwards, 2 steps forward" thing is one of the oldest cliches in the book but it's the truth, plain and simple.

I started my Deload at 218 and woke up this morning at 213 despite increasing calories slightly and reducing training volume. That is cortisol-related water loss, painting the picture of how fatigued I was prior to Deload-ing and how that reduction in fatigue has benefitted my greatly. 


Reverse Pec Dec 1x7, 1x10

Cybex Lateral Raise 1x9, 1x11

Smith Incline Press 1x5, 1x9

Smith JM Press 1x6, 1x10

Cable Fly 1x7, 1x10

S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x7, 1x12

S/A Cuffed Extension 1x6, 1x10

Posted : 04/03/2023 6:14 pm
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3/5/23 (Pull)

I've been feeling some pain in my left elbow creeping up in the last 2-3 weeks, shortly after I added the Hammer Pulldown into this Pull session's programming. I did my first working set today and my elbow was screaming at me. That's all the feedback I need to know that this movement's gotta go. I jumped on the Arsenal Pulldown right next to it because it has a similar resistance profile but has handles that swivel which always helps alleviate elbow issues for me. Every single time I get on a movement that has a fixed grip I tend to get some sort of elbow issue over time, when will I ever learn lol?


So the Hammer Pulldown is OUT and the Arsenal Pulldown is IN. This thing is heavy as a motherfucker, I misjudged the weight like crazy and only got 2 reps lmao. Next time I come in and do this rotation I'll have a better idea of what loads to use and I'll be able to get 2 productive working sets in and then I'll build on that as we go.


Hammer Pulldown 1x5 (elbow was saying "fuck you")

Arsenal Pulldown 1x2

Hammer High Row 1x8, 1x11

Hammer Low Row 1x8, 1x12

StarTrac Pulldown 1x7, 1x10

Shrug 1x12, 1x7

EZ Bar Curl 1x8, 1x10

Face Away Cable Curl 1x6, 1x12

Posted : 05/03/2023 6:47 pm
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3/6/23 (Rest)

Rest day today. Very productive day, check in's done and content edited. Food prepped, new client onboarded, meal plans edited, yada yada yada tons of stuff done.


3/7/23 (Legs)

Did a little ego-checking on the Hack and reset my logbook a little bit. I want to focus on making my Hacks as Quad dominant as I can so I'm re-adjusting my stance to accomodate for that. Reduced the weight slightly today and will work on building back up with this new stance.


Seated Calf Raise 2x11

Seated Leg Curl 1x5, 1x8.5

Paused Leg Extension 1x7

Reverse Band Hack 1x6, 1x7

Adductor 1x13, 1x8

Posted : 07/03/2023 11:26 pm
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3/8/23 (Rest)

Rest day today. Had maintenance come to our apartment for a bit because we had a leak in our plumbing, all is taken care of 🙂 Check in's done, food prep done, content posted and comments replied to, YouTube video edited and posted. Very productive day!


3/9/23 (Push)

Busy work day today so I wanted to get this session done and over with ASAP. I added on a High Cable Curl here after skipping it on my last Leg day, the cable stack was taken and I didn't want to wait so I just moved it from Legs to Push for this week. 


High Cable Curl 1x6, 1x9

Cuffed Rear Delt Fly 1x6, 1x14

Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x7, 1x13

LifeFitness Incline Press 1x4, 1x13

Dips 1x6, 1x7

Seated Cuffed Lateral 1x8, 1x10

Cable Fly 1x9, 1x11

S/A OH Extension 1x8, 1x11

Posted : 09/03/2023 6:54 pm
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3/10/23 (Rest)

Rest day today. Worked the morning shift at GNC and then came home and did check in's and then was pretty lazy the rest of the night. Early bedtime.


3/11/23 (Pull)

Received some sad news that one of my gyms will be closing in less than 2 weeks so I'm scrambling to find a new gym. I've been training at this gym for 4 years and have loved it, sad to see it go. Kind of a somewhat stressful time trying to find another one in my area that has good equipment and isn't packed as fuck. Wish me luck lol.


S/A Cable Pulldown 1x8, 1x10

Hammer Pulldown 1x7, 1x10

Low Row Machine 1x12, 1x8

T Bar Row 1x5.5, 1x11.5

Shrug 1x7, 1x12

Preacher Curl 1x8, 1x10

Incline DB Curl 1x6, 1x9

Posted : 12/03/2023 4:50 pm
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3/12/23 (Rest)

Rest day today, lazyyyy day. Laziest day I've had in a long time. Slept in pretty late and just kind sat on the couch and watched the CoD Major all day lol. Didn't accomplish a whole much but it is what it is.


3/13/23 (Legs)

Awesome Leg session today, probably the last one I'll do at this gym :/ Still kinda sad about that lol. Absolutely smashed from Leg Press and RDL, time to chill and eat.


Standing Calf Raise 1x8, 1x10

Adductor 1x10, 1x11

Lying Leg Curl 1x7, 1x12

RDL 1x4

Leg Extension 1x7, 1x10

Leg Press 1x12

Posted : 13/03/2023 9:47 pm
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3/14/23 (Rest)

Rest day today. Did my morning walk, cardio/stretching, came home and did check in's, posted some content and replied to some comments, and edited and posted a YouTube video. Very productive and busy day! Absolutely smashed from Legs yesterday though haha


3/15/23 (Push)

Great Push session despite sleeping like shit last night. Happy with today's work considering the circumstances. After this workout I went and visited a new gym and I've gotten my gym situation sorted out! This new gym has a lot of new equipment including a Pendulum Squat so I'm super excited about that! Ready to get stuck into some new programming!


Reverse Pec Dec Fly 1x7, 1x10

Cybex Lateral Raise 1x8, 1x12

Mid Incline Smith Press 1x4, 1x9

Smith JM Press 1x5, 1x10

S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x7, 1x8

S/A IR Tricep Extension 1x4, 1x7

Cable Fly 1x8 1x11

Posted : 15/03/2023 9:11 pm
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3/16/23 (Pull)

After misjudging the hell out of my weight last week I finally got some productive work done on the Arsena Pulldown. Baseline numbers set which I'll focus on progressing as we go forwards.


Arsenal Pulldown 1x5, 1x9

Hammer High Row 1x7, 1x8

Hammer Low Row 1x6, 1x8

StarTrac Pulldown 1x7, 1x11

Shrug 1x10, 1x9

EZ Curl 1x7, 1x11

Incline Cable Curl 1x6, 1x7

Posted : 16/03/2023 7:07 pm
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3/17/23 (Rest)

Rest Day today. Officially my last day at GNC! Officially a full time coach, the dream has come true. So excited to start this chapter of my life. Came home from the store and did check in's and then Carissa and I went out for dinner and I was in bed early as I was super tired.


3/18/23 (Legs)

Last workout at XSport Lombard today, RIP. Sad to see this gym go but excited to start new programming with new exercises at the new place. Got one last good one in for old time's sake. New programming starts on Monday, I will go to the new gym tomorrow morning for my rest day cardio/stretching and finalize all the details of the new program - which movements I'm gonna use and the settings I'm going to use them on. Doing this tomorrow so I don't have to do it in the middle of the sessions when I hit them for the first time. I want to WALK IN THE GYM knowing which exercises I'm gonna do and what settings I'm gonna use for them. The weights I obviously won't know but I don't want to have to worry about the little details like that so I'm going to take care of that tomorrow.


High Cable Curl 1x6, 1x10

Seated Calf Raise 1x10, 1x9

Paused Leg Extension 1x8

Adductor 1x12, 1x10

Hack Squat 1x3, 1x5

Seated Leg Curl 1x5, 1x9

Posted : 19/03/2023 12:55 am
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3/19/23 (Rest)

Rest Day today. Started the day off with my morning walk and then cardio/stretching, I also got the little details of my programming figured out - specific exercises and machine settings, etc. I want to be able to WALK in the gym tomorrow starting the new program already knowing what exercises I'm going to do and what settings I'm going to do them on.


After cardio I changed my oil and hung out with Carissa's brother for a bit, then came home and watched a lot of March Madness and ate food lol. Pretty lazy day besides the morning half.


3/20/23 (Push)

First session done at the new gym with new equipment. This session's programming is very similar to the old programming with just a few alternatives, the main one being the Cybex Incline. This is the only "Incline" Press they have at this gym and I much prefer the LifeFitness model I was using previously. I say "Incline" because the way this aligns feels much more Mid Pec dominant than Upper Pec but it is what it is. Hopefully after a few rotations I'll become more fond of it but for now it feels like a step down from the previous Incline I was using.


Rear Delt Pulldown 1x8, 1x11

Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x6, 1x9

Cybex Incline Press 2x8

Weighted Dips 2x6

Cable Fly 1x5, 1x7

S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x8, 1x7

OH Extension 1x8, 1x14

Posted : 20/03/2023 4:22 pm
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3/21/23 (Pull)

First time hitting Pull at the new gym, exercise selection is almost completely identical from the old gym. Biggest change is they have a Hoist T Bar here instead of the Icarian Precor model at Lombard. I really like this Hoist T Bar! My breathing was cut off on the first set but I added a step to elevate myself for set 2 and it was perfect. Don't know if I have a preference between this Hoist T Bar or the Precor one, both are pretty awesome.


S/A Cable Pulldown 1x8, 1x5

S/A Low Cable Row 1x5, 1x11

Hammer Pulldown 1x8, 1x10

T Bar Row 1x6, 1x10.5

Shrug 1x8, 1x12

Preacher Curl 1x6, 1x11

Incline Cable Curl 1x8, 1x5

Posted : 21/03/2023 4:56 pm
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