3/22/23 (Rest)
Rest day today. Morning walk/cardio/stretching done. Home for check in's, done. Content posted and comments/DM's replied to. Food prepped. Mandalorian at night. Legs tomorrow, super hyped.
3/23/23 (Legs)
First Leg day at the new gym. They have 2 Adductors here and they kinda both suck so we'll have to make do with one of them. I think I'll be capped loading-wise with the Leg Press, I'd give it about 3 months before I can no longer fit any more weight on this thing. I can always move this session to Brickhaus as they have all the required equipment, but I'll keep it here for the forseeable future.
Standing Calf Raise 2x8
Lying Leg Curl 1x3, 1x7
Adductor 1x11, 1x26
RDL 1x5
Leg Extension 1x9, 1x8
Leg Press 1x9
Preacher Curl 1x6, 1x8
3/24/23 (Rest)
Perfect rest day today. Morning steps, cardio/stretching, meal 1, nap. Check in's, meal 2. Comments replied to and content posted, then went out for a meal with Carissa at night. Early bedtime, very tired today. Always exhausted the day after Legs B, those RDL's and Leg Presses just kill me.
3/25/23 (Push)
Absolutely amazing Push day today at a new low bodyweight of 208.6. 5 pounds lighter in bodyweight than last rotation and still held all my pressing numbers, life is good. It's supposed to rain all day so it will probably be a lazy Saturday today, need to get these 10K steps ticked off then try and chill as much as possible and watch some basketball. Pull tomorrow morning, ready for that one!
Reverse Pec Dec 1x6, 1x10
Cybex Lateral 1x7, 1x9
Mid Incline Smith Press 1x4, 1x10
Smith JM Press 1x5, 1x9
Cable Fly 1x7, 1x9
S/A Cuffed Lateral 2x6
S/A Cuffed Extension 1x6, 1x7
3/26/23 (Pull)
Great Pull session this morning. About midway through the workout I was hit with a wall of fatigue that was hard to get through, came home from the session and took a nap and am feeling a bit better! Going to call my parents this afternoon and get some stuff done around the house and chill, busy work week starts tomorrow!
S/A Arsenal Pulldown 1x6, 1x10
Hammer High Row 1x6, 1x8
Hammer Low Row 1x6, 1x10
StarTrac Pulldown 1x6, 1x9
Shrug 1x11, 1x6
EZ Bar Curl 1x6, 1x11
Incline DB Curl 1x5, 1x6
3/27/23 (Rest)
Rest Day today, pretty productive day. Morning steps/cardio done, then went to Trader Joe's for some groceries, did check in's, signed on a new client, got started with some new programs and posted some content and responded to DM's. Prepped some chicken too! Pretty busy and productive day overall!
3/28/23 (Legs)
Not my first Leg day at this gym but it was my first Squat-focused Leg Day. This gym has a Pendulum Squat which I've never used before so I wanted to give that a run today. I decided to split my 2 compound sets into 1 Hack/1 Pendulum so I could use both the Hack and the Pendulum, this Hack is the same exact one I've been using for 4 years so my logbook numbers transfer over perfectly.
The Seated Calf Raise here is terrible, just a completely useless piece of equipment. Can't get a full stretch to save your life. So I'll be doing a Toe Press for my Calf work instead.
Seated Calf 1x6 (dogshit set)
Toe Press 1x9
Adductor 1x20, 1x11
Seated Leg Curl 1x5, 1x9
Paused Leg Extension 1x9
Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x8
Pendulum Squat 1x10
Cable Curl 1x7, 1x5
3/29/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, very productive day. Morning steps/cardio/stretching then came home and got check in's done and some meal plans finalized and sent off. From there I got some content posted and replied to AND got a YouTube video edited. Today was also my first refeed of this cut, 600 carbs going down.
3/30/23 (Push)
Hit a new low of 208.2 this morning after yesterday's refeed. I think next time I refeed I'll bump up to 750 or 800 carb. Got a little more aggressive than usual with my weight jumps today after the extra food.
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x10, 1x8
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x7, 1x10
Cybex Incline 1x8, 1x6
Weighted Dips 1x6, 1x4
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x9, 1x8
Cable Fly 1x7, 1x9
Hoist Dip Machine (narrow setting) 1x6, 1x7
3/31/23 (Pull)
Productive Pull session today. My lower back has been tight lately and I didn't feel comfortable doing Shrugs today so I skipped them. Fatigue feeling fairly high at the moment, much needed rest tomorrow.
S/A Cable Pulldown 1x9, 1x6
S/A Low Cable Row 1x7, 1x11
Hammer Pulldown 1x7, 1x11
T Bar Row 1x7, 1x5.5
Preacher Curl 1x6, 1x12
Incline Cable Curl 1x10, 1x7
4/1/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, a perfect lazy day! It rained on and off all day and there was a lot of sporting events on that I wanted to watch so it was a great day. Got my morning walk in, then went out to an awesome breakfast, got some errands, came home and napped, woke up and watched the Yankees game, then watched the Final Four at night and went out for a nice dinner. Perfect rest day!
4/2/23 (Legs)
Exhausting Leg session this morning, holy shit I am fatigued haha. May possibly drop some volume this upcoming week based on how I feel after resting tomorrow. I have a busy work week coming up and am also going to be traveling home to my parents house this coming weekend so it may be a perfect time to pull back on volume a bit.
Standing Calf Raise 2x10
Lying Leg Curl 1x4, 1x8
Adductor 2x13
RDL 1x4
Leg Extension 1x10, 1x9
Leg Press 1x8
Preacher Curl 1x7, 1x10
4/3/23 (Rest)
Rest day today. Had a new client consultation call, did check in's, posted some content and replied to some comment/DM's and then edited some content as usual. Watched the Men's National Championship and the Yankees game, pretty solid rest day overall.
4/4/23 (Push - Devolume)
Fatigue has been rising linearly over the last 3 sessions so I wanted to drop some volume to help drop fatigue so I can nip this in the bud and get back to pushing again. I hit some poses at the gym after and I was fairy happy with how things are shaping up, first time I can say that in a while.
Reverse Pec Dec 1x7
Cybex Lateral 1x8
Mid Incline Smith Press 1x6
Smith JM Press 1x7
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x6
S/A Cuffed Extension 1x7
Cable Fly 1x8
4/5/23 (Pull - Devolume)
Felt great today, another Devolume session to facilitate recovery more. Resting tomorrow and then Squats on Friday.
Arsenal Pulldown 1x7
Hammer High Row 1x8
Hammer Low Row 1x7
StarTrac Pulldown 1x7
Shrug 1x14
EZ Curl 1x7
Incline DB Curl 1x5
4/6/23 (Rest)
Rest day today. Morning steps/cardio/stretching, client check in's done, finished a new client program and got him onboarded, and got some video editing done. Very productive rest day once again.
4/7/23 (Legs)
I'm going home this weekend for Easter to stay with my parents so I decided to train at full volume because of the extra rest. I also felt great today so it was an easy decision to make. Ready to hit the ground running once I get home on Sunday night!
Toe Press 1x9, 1x8
Adductor 1x24, 1x13
Paused Leg Extension 1x10
Seated Leg Curl 1x5, 1x9
Hack Squat 1x5
Pendulum Squat 1x8
Cable Curl 1x8, 1x6
4/8 & 4/9 (Rest/Easter weekend)
Took the weekend off to go home to my parent's house for the Easter weekend. My mom organized a bus trip on Saturday the 8th which was a lot of fun! We had a few Easter dinners on Easter day and then got back home at night and got ready for the coming week and hit the sheets. I really love the holidays and getting to see all my family in one place, always makes me feel so happy and refreshed and motivated to get back to work.
4/10 (Push)
Over the moon with today. Hit 70 lbs on the Dips for the first time which went better than I expected, I'm pretty sure I can build on this even though I'm in a deficit. I would really like to replace the S/A Cuffed Lateral with something different, just can't figure out what to do at the moment. Feeling physically and mentally refreshed after taking the weekend off to spend Easter with the family, ready to hit the ground running.
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x8, 1x11
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x13, 1x9
Cybex Incline 1x8, 1x6
Weighted Dips 1x5, 1x3
Cable Fly 1x8, 1x9
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x9, 1x8
Machine Dip 1x8, 1x5
4/11/23 (Pull)
Great Pull today, not much to note. Another day doing the same shit. Rest tomorrow then Legs on Thursday which I'm dreading haha.
S/A Cable Pulldown 1x10, 1x8
S/A Low Cable Row 1x5, 1x10
Hammer Pulldown 1x6, 1x8
Shrugs 1x9, 1x8
T Bar Row 1x7, 1x6
Preacher Curl 1x6, 1x7
Incline Cable Curl 1x10, 1x5
4/12/23 (Rest)
Rest day today and a productive one at that. Morning walk/cardio/stretching done, then got check in's done, then filmed a YouTube video, prepped some food, and then posted/edited some content and replied to comments. Busy day!
4/13/23 (Legs)
I dread this session so much lol, it's so damn hard. Very pleased with how today went but I'll be finding myself on the couch for the rest of the day, besides getting my steps in. Rest day tomorrow which will be much needed.
Standing Calf Raise 2x8
Lying Leg Curl 1x5, 1x8
Adductor 1x17, 1x10
RDL 1x4
Leg Extension 1x11, 1x7
Leg Press 1x8
Preacher Curl 1x8, 1x11
4/14/23 (Rest)
Rest day today. Morning steps, cardio, stretching, check in's done, YouTube content edited, TikTok/IG content posted and comments/DM's replied to, NBA Playoffs and Yankees game at night. Very busy and productive day!
4/15/23 (Push)
Great Push today, did some slight resets on my presses load wise to establish new baselines to progress. I've been dealing with some shoulder issues as of late and I wanted to make some setup adjustments.
Reverse Pec Dec 1x7, 1x10
Cybex Lateral Raise 1x6, 1x10
Smith Incline Press 1x4, 1x9
Smith JM Press 1x5, 1x10
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x6, 1x9
S/A Cuffed Extension 1x6, 1x9
Cable Fly 1x8, 1x11
4/16/23 (Pull)
Great Pull session this afternoon. I'm going to replace the Arsenal Pulldown with the Gloff-style Cable Pulldown, just feels better and will probably be more beneficial for me in the long run.
I woke up at a new low of 205.2 this morning after holding at 207 for 2 weeks. The look was improving at that weight so I just kept riding that wave, it was only a matter of time until the scale caught up.
Gloff Pulldown 1x5, 1x10
Hammer High Row 1x7, 1x9
Hammer Low Row 1x6, 1x8
Upper Back Pulldown 1x6, 1x9
Shrug 1x10, 1x6
EZ Bar Curl 1x6, 1x10
Incline DB Curl 1x4, 1x5