4/17/23 (Rest)
Great rest day today, morning walk/cardio/stretching, check in's done, YouTube content edited, went live on TikTok and had a good time there! Prepped some food and watched some playoff basketball. Great day overall.
4/18/23 (Legs)
Amazing Leg day today, added a set of Leg Extension today because I felt amazing, may or may not regret that tomorrow lol. Both Squats regressed 1 rep because of the additional Leg Extension but I should be able to get those reps back next rotation and we'll be back to where we were.
Cable Curl 1x13, 1x12
Adductor 1x15, 1x6
Toe Press + Tib Raise 1x10+10, 1x9+7
Seated Leg Curl 1x5, 1x9
Leg Extension 1x7, 1x8
Rev Banded Hack 1x4
Pendulum Squat 1x7
4/19/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, morning steps/cardio/mobility etc., check in's done, YouTube video edited, food prepped, usual rest day stuff lol. Great day overall.
4/20/23 (Push)
Got a little over-zealous today with my second set of Dips but besides that all is well. Used a Lying Cuffed Lateral instead of the Single Arm variation I've been doing and I'll probably be keeping that as my go-to.
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x7, 1x12
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x10, 1x9
Cybex Incline 1x8, 1x6
Weighted Dips 1x6, 1x2
Lying Cuffed Lateral 1x10, 1x8
Cable Fly 1x9, 1x5
Machine Dip 1x8, 1x6
4/21/23 (Pull)
Great Pull today. The cable station I do the S/A Cable Pulldowns on was broken so I did a Cuffed Pullover instead, which is a pretty comparable movement. Rest tomorrow which is much needed, feeling pretty beat up after this one.
S/A Cuffed Pullover 2x5
S/A Low Cable Row 1x6, 1x11
Hammer Pulldown 1x6, 1x8
Shrug 1x10, 1x8
T Bar Row 1x6, 1x5
Preacher Curl 1x6, 1x8
Incline Cable Curl 1x8, 1x5
4/22/23 (Rest)
Rest day today. I did not do morning cardio today, wanted to see if taking the day off from it before Legs would help performance at all. Got extra sleep instead and still got my steps hit and everything. Lazy day today, not much work got done.
4/23/23 (Legs)
Second rotation in a row where the weight has hit the floor on my RDL's and today it fucked my set up, so I need to start doing these with 25's or from a deficit. Good news is I learned I can safely fail on the Cybex Squat Press so that will probably be the "norm" going forward.
Standing Calf Raise 1x9, 1x8
Lying Leg Curl 1x6, 1x9
Adductor 1x11, 1x12
RDL 1x3 (bar hit floor, fucked set)
Preacher Curl 1x9, 1x12
Leg Extension 1x12, 1x8
Leg Press 1x8+eccentric
4/24/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, morning walk and cardio done, check in's done, then I had a consultation with a new client who signed on so I began working on his program. Content posted, DM's/comments responded to, the typical rest day stuff lol. You guys are probably sick of reading the same thing every rest day but that's what my reality is lol.
4/25/23 (Push)
Great Push today, shoulder felt good today so I pressed first instead of doing some Delt work prior. Got over zealous with loading on the first set but ya live and learn. Pull tomorrow which I'm hyped for.
Smith Incline Press 1x3, 1x8
Smith JM Press 1x5, 1x8
Cybex Lateral 1x6, 1x9
Reverse Pec Dec 1x5, 1x8
Cable Fly 1x7, 1x12
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x7, 1x9
S/A Cuffed Extension 1x6, 1x10
4/26/23 (Pull)
Happy with Pull today, cardiovascular fitness is increasing as bodyweight drops so I'm able to really push the pace of my sessions more and have shorter rest periods which is awesome. Rest tomorrow which will be spent stressing out over Legs the next day lol
Gloff Pulldown 1x5, 1x10
Hammer High Row 1x7, 1x9
Upper Back Pulldown 1x7, 1x10
Hammer Low Row 1x5, 1x8
Shrug 1x10, 1x6
EZ Bar Curl 1x6, 1x11
Incline DB Curl 1x4, 1x6
4/27/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, morning steps done and then some food prepped. Check in's done, content filmed and edited, comments responded, typical rest day shit lol.
4/28/23 (Legs)
Fucking awesome Leg day today, got the reps back that I lost last week. One of those days you wish every day would be like!
Cable Curl 1x8, 1x6
Toe Press + Tib Raise 1x10+7, 1x9+6
Adductor 1x17, 1x8
Leg Extension 2x9 (set 1 paused reps)
Seated Leg Curl 1x6, 1x10
Reverse Banded Hack 1x5
Pendulum Squat 1x8
4/29/23 (Push)
I was originally going to take today off and spend the day with my parents but it looks like they're coming out tomorrow instead so I just flip-flopped my days. I'll rest tomorrow instead and modify the following Pull & Leg sessions and then back to regular programming on Thursday.
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x11, 1x9
Cybex Incline Press 1x8, 1x6
Weighted Dips 1x6, 1x4
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x7, 1x12
Lying Cuffed Lateral 1x10, 1x8
Cable Fly 1x10, 1x6
Machine Dip 1x9, 1x7
4/30/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, met my parents for lunch then got some groceries, prepped some food, and ended the night with some video games with friends. Great day! Decided to do a 500 carb refeed today and have a cheat meal with my parents.
5/1/23 (Pull)
Up 2.5 lbs from yesterday's refeed, ready to rock and roll today. Great Pull session. Did not do Shrugs because I'm doing RDL's tomorrow, so I will do the Shrugs tomorrow instead to keep weekly volume the same. I did the Bicep work I typically do on Legs today as well, again, to keep weekly volume the same. Legs tomorrow, will be the first day of doing RDL's deadstop or deficit (undecided yet).
Machine Curl 1x7, 1x10
Cable Pulldown 1x10, 1x7
Low Cable Row 1x6, 1x12
Upper Back Pulldown 1x7, 1x9
T Bar Row 1x7, 1x6
Preacher Curl 1x6, 1x8
Incline Cable Curl 1x10, 1x5
5/2/23 (Legs)
Threw in the Shrugs from Pull today (piggy-backing off yesterday's post) and did them towards the beginning to distance them as much as possible from the RDL. Today was my first time doing RDL's "deadstop" style so today was a test-run, did not attempt the 50/50 rep at the end, that would have been stupid. Rest tomorrow.
Shrugs 1x9, 1x8
Standing Calf Raise 1x10, 1x9
Lying Leg Curl 1x7, 1x9
Adductor 1x13, 1x15
RDL 1x3
Leg Extension 1x13, 1x7
Leg Press 1x9
5/3/23 (Rest)
Rest today, kind of a shorter day for me work wise. Morning steps and cardio/stretching, then came home and trimmed my body (lol, I'm getting to be a hairy mf) and then did check in's. Posted on IG, resonded to comments/DMs, went live on TikTok! Ended the night with some video games with my boy, Yankees W, and watching the NBA Playoffs!
5/4/23 (Push)
Okay Push, more or less maintained everything, which is still fine with me for where I am. It looks like my parents are coming back out AGAIN this weekend so I'm adjusting my schedule to have Sunday off completely, so I'll be training 3 days in a row this week to get everything in. Day 3 will be hard as fuck lol
Smith Incline Press 1x3, 1x9
Smith JM Press 1x5, 1x8
Cybex Lateral 1x7, 1x8
Rev Pec Dec 1x6, 1x8
S/A Cuffed Tri Ext 1x6, 1x10
S/A Cuffed Lateral 1x6, 1x9
Cable Fly 1x7, 1x8
5/5/23 (Pull)
Good Pull today, again, more or less maintained everything. New low of 202.8 this morning, I would love to be sub 200 soon. Haven't been below 200 in a year at least, probably more. Legs tomorrow, will be a real challenge, but I'm up for it!
Gloff Pulldown 1x5, 1x10
Hammer High Row 1x7, 1x8
Hammer Low Row 1x5, 1x9
Upper Back Pulldown 1x6, 1x9
Shrug 1x10, 1x6
EZ Bar Curl 1x6, 1x11
Incline DB Curl 1x4, 1x6
5/6/23 (Legs)
Great Leg day today, very surprised how good today went as it was the 3rd day in a row. Rest tomorrow which is MUCH needed, seeing my parents again tomorrow which is exciting!
Toe Press + Tib Raise 1x11+5, 1x10+5
Adductor 1x20, 1x10
Leg Extension 1x10, 1x9
Seated Leg Curl 1x6, 1x11
Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x6
Pendulum Squat 1x11+ecc
5/7/23 (Rest + Refeed)
Another weekend where my parents came out and today was also a refeed for me, refeeds are probably going to start being cyclic so I can assess what happens from that. We went out to eat and then had a nice talk at our apartment then they headed home. I got my food prepped and stuff ready for the next day and then watched TV till I fell asleep lol.
5/8/23 (Push)
Great Push today coming off yesterday's refeed. Hit 3.5 plates on the Cybex Incline for the first time, expected 3 and got 4 so life is good. Pull tomorrow.
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x13, 1x11
Standing Cuffed Lateral 1x8, 1x7
Cybex Incline 1x8, 1x4
Weighted Dips 1x7, 1x4
Lying Cuffed Lateral 1x11, 1x9
Cable Fly 1x11, 1x6
Machine Dip 1x9, 1x5
5/9/23 (Pull)
Trained early today to film this session for YouTube, be on the look out for that if that tickles your pickle. Rest tomorrow, Legs after.
S/A Cable Pulldown 1x10, 1x8
S/A Low Cable Row 1x6, 1x12
Upper Back Pulldown 1x7, 1x10
Seated Shrug 2x12
T Bar Row 1x7, 1x4
Preacher Curl 1x7, 1x10
Incline Cable Curl 1x12, 1x6