7/31/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, today was Carissa and I's 7 year anniversary! We took the day off work and took a day trip to Michigan and enjoyed the nice weather and alone time. Came home and watched one of our favorite movies and then early bedtime, we were both pretty tired lol.
8/1/23 (Pull)
177.2 this morning, can't wait for 175. Today was the best I've felt in the past 7-10 days, extra rest has been doing me good. I'll no longer be doing a bent-over Shrug here, this session always falls 2 days prior to RDL Legs and bending over to Shrug is getting tiring as fuck. Instead, I'll do Keslo Shrugs after all 4 sets of direct Upper Back work once I can no longer hit full ROM on the Row/Pulldown motion.
Decline Crunch 1x7, 1x5
Cable Lat Pulldown 1x11, 1x6
Upper Back Pulldown 1x10, 1x7 (+shrugs on both)
Cable Lat Row 1x8, 1x6
T Bar Row 1x5, 1x7 (+shrugs both sets)
Preacher Curl 1x6
Incline Cable Curl 1x7, 1x5
8/2/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, more of the same usual stuff. Steps/stretching/posing/check in's, content, and then I had a client consultation in the afternoon. Called it a day pretty early, was feeling pretty tired in the afternoon and wanted to rest up for Legs the next day.
8/3/23 (Legs)
Legs B today which is always hard as fuck, I was 8 pounds lighter today than the last time I did this workout (10 days ago!!!!) so RDL and Leg Press were down a rep but all iso stuff was up, very pleased with things today. I am completely fucked right now and am looking forward to resting tomorrow!
Side note: I have increased my calories slightly and added in a few more rest days over the past week and my bodyweight has dropped 7 pounds in 7 days. Do with that bit of information what you will: not saying they're necessarily correlated, just an interesting observation
Cable Crunch 1x9, 1x6
Standing Calf Raise 1x6, 1x7
Adductor 1x14, 1x17
Lying Leg Curl 1x6, 1x10
RDL 1x5
Leg Extension 1x11, 1x7
Leg Press 1x4
Preacher Curl 1x8, 1x5
8/4/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, got my steps/cardio/stretching/posing in and then check in's finished and then got content posted and edited! Pretty productive day which ended with some early bed time and TV!
8/5/23 (Push)
Saturday morning Push today, went pretty solid, Presses holding which I'm happy with. I'm dealing with some digestive issues unexpectedly, woke up 3 pounds heavier with an upset stomach and loose bowels all morning so something clearly didn't settle right. Cheat meal tonight which I'm excited for obviously!
Cable Crunch 1x10, 1x6
Smith Incline 1x3
Smith JM 1x6
Cybex Lateral 1x7
Reverse Pec Dec 1x6, 1x11
Pec Dec Fly 1x7, 1x12
Cuffed Tri Ext 1x10, 1x7
Cuffed Lateral 1x9, 1x7
8/6/23 (Pull)
Woke up up 1 pound from last night's cheat meal, don't ask me how my stomach is feeling lol. Felt amazing during Pull today, put the extra food to use for sure. Back on the wagon today!
Shrug 1x8, 1x6
Gloff Pulldown 1x10, 1x8
Hammer High Row 1x9, 1x7
Hammer Low Row 1x5, 1x9
Upper Back Pulldown 1x8, 1x6
EZ Bar Curl 1x5, 1x9
Incline Curl 1x5, 1x8
8/7/23 (Rest)
Rest day today and a very productive one! Morning cardio/steps/stretching/posing followed by check in's, meal prep, content editing/posting, and then a client consultation with a new client who joined the team, welcome Nate! Very good day overall but a tiring day: I was very hungry and tired today. Can officially say that Prep has "kicked in"
8/8/23 (Legs)
Not the leg day I was hoping for or expected today. My right knee was screaming at me from rep 1 of my first warmup set. I spent a ton of time doing extra warm ups, mobility work, trying different foot heights/widths and nothing I did could make it feel great. I tried to do a working set with a lighter weight that I was comfortable with aiming to get a higher amount of reps but I had zero confidence to grind through any tough reps and just racked it and called it a day.
Good news is that all my Isolation stuff progressed and I can take some pride in knowing that I wasn't stupid and did everything I could to make it work, but I'd be lying if I said this isn't frustrating and somewhat worry going forward.
Cable Curl 1x9, 1x7
Calf + Tib Raise 2x6+3
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x10, 1x7
Adductor 1x14, 1x12
Leg Extension 1x9, 1x8
Seated Leg Curl 1x11, 1x8
Pendulum Squat 1x6 (not a "real" set)
8/9/23 (Push)
Woke up at a new low of 175.2 this morning and my Legs felt like cement right out of bed. As always whenever I hit a new low I am worried about how my Push days are going to go as my Presses seem to be the most heavily impacted exercises by my bodyweight but my Presses were actually great today and I progressed both of them.
I will more than likely be dropping to 1 set of each Press in this rotation to keep volume consistent across both Push A and B.
I did some light work on the Hack and Leg Press afterwards and good news is that it seems that I can at least Leg Press pain free without my knee bothering me so if the Pendulum continues to bother me I can at least do the Leg Press.
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x13, 1x7
Cybex Press 1x6
Weighted Dips 1x6
Y Raise 1x6, 1x9
Cable Fly 1x8, 1x5
BTB Lateral 1x5, 1x8
Machine Dip 1x7, 1x6
light Hack/Leg Press work
8/10 + 8/11 (Rest)
I was offered some shifts at GNC this week and I figured why not? Easy money and it's been almost 6 months since I've worked there so I figured it would be a fun time, and it was! These days were super busy and complete carbon copies of each other: morning steps, pose, check in's, post content, head to the store and work while I was there, and then get groceries afterwards and prep food. Very busy days, and because they were busy days, I figured it was best to take them both off training. I have the exact same schedule this upcoming week so this will be replicated again!
8/12 (Pull)
Early Saturday morning Pull session, first day back after 2 days off. Felt great, progressed all my lifts, even the damn TBar! Legs tomorrow which will be a challenge, I am hopeful that my knee/ankle will cooperate and allow me to Leg Press pain free!!!
Cable Lat Pulldown 1x9, 1x7
Upper Back Pulldown 1x10, 1x6
Cable Lat Row 1x8, 1x7
T Bar Row 1x6, 1x7
Preacher Curl 1x7
Incline Cable Curl 1x8, 1x6, 1x5
8/13/23 (Legs)
Was able to do some effective Quad work today!!!!! Reduced load on the Leg Press and worked in a safer rep range and didn't attempt anything stupid. If I wake up tomorrow and the knee is super sore, I probably pushed too far. If it feels fine then that's very promising. I believe the knee issue is stemming from a reoccuring issue I have at the ankle joint so I've also reduced Calf volume to just 1 set to reduce stress on the area temporarily. Rest tomorrow which is much needed, literally stumbling out of the gym today.
Standing Calf Raise 1x7
Decline Crunch + Leg Raise 1x11, 1x9
Adductor 1x17, 1x10
Lying Leg Curl 1x6, 1x10
RDL 1x5
Leg Extension 1x11, 1x8
Leg Press 1x8
8/14/23 (Rest)
Rest day today plus a refeed day! 750 Carb going down today, went down like a treat. Super easy to get down and no issues at all. Typical client/content work done, and rested the rest of the day. Ready to train tomorrow!
8/15/23 (Push)
Amazing Push day coming off a 750 carb refeed yesterday, probably the best Push day I've had in weeks. Pull tomorrow, let's keep the train rolling.
Cable Crunch 1x12, 1x5
Smith Incline 1x5
Smith JM 1x6
Cybex Lateral 1x7
Rev Pec Dec 1x7, 1x12
Pec Dec Fly 1x8, 1x11
Cuffed Tri Ext 1x10, 1x9
Cuffed Lateral 1x9, 1x8
8/16/23 (Pull)
Pull today was awesome logbook wise but I am noticing that I'm hitting a wall about 3/4 of the way through my workouts that is getting really hard to overcome. I added in some intra carbs today to try and help that and it really didn't do anything to help so I'd like to make some sort of program adjustment to allow for more recovery, as I'm starting to dig for more fat loss going forward. Not sure what that specific change will be but I have a few options I'm tossing around. For now, we push on.
Shrug 1x9, 1x6
Gloff Pulldown 1x11, 1x8
Hammer High Row 1x9, 1x7
Hammer Low Row 1x6, 1x10
Upper Back Pulldown 1x8, 1x7
EZ Bar Curl 1x6, 1x11
Incline DB Curl 1x6, 1x4
8/17/23 & 8/18/23 (Rest)
Double rest these days, same as last week, I was working at GNC :/ Very busy work days, felt it best to take them as days off to minimize stress, which didn't really help lol but I'm still glad I rested. Ready to be back in the gym!
8/19/23 (Legs)
Last time I did this Leg session my knee didn't let me Pendulum Squat, thankfully I was able to get effective work in today! Established a new baseline which I'll build on going forward, going to stick with just one set until I'm 100% confident I'm in the clear with the knee.
Cable Curl 1x9, 1x7
Decline Crunch + Leg Raise 1x11, 1x8
Adductor 1x15, 1x9
Seated Leg Curl 1x12, 1x9
Leg Extension 1x9, 1x7, 1x6
Calf + Tib Raise 1x6+4, 1x5+3
Pendulum 1x6
8/20/23 (Push)
Early Sunday morning Push session, filmed this full workout for YouTube, will have it uploaded within the week. Presses still holding as bodyweight drops, life is good!
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x10, 1x8
Cable Y Raise 1x7, 1x10
Cybex Press 1x6
Weighted Dips 1x6
Cable Fly 1x8, 1x6
BTB Lateral 1x5, 1x10
Machine Dip 1x8, 1x6
8/21/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, filled in at GNC today for the last time, it was nice to help out but I'm ready to get back to being fully self employed lol. Very busy day overall but satisfied when my head hit the pillow, got a lot done!
8/22/23 (Pull)
Challenging Pull today, I planned on doing 2 sets of T Bar but Set 1 was so exhausting and was also down 2 reps so I knew set 2 would be junk volume so I scrapped it. Legs tomorrow which I predict will be the hardest workout of prep: Legs B is my hardest workout in the program, tomorrow will be the hottest day of the year, and I'm in my most-fatigued state yet. As corny as this sounds tomorrow will really dictate how bad I want this and I'm excited for the challenge.
Cable Crunch + Leg Raise 1x9, 1x6
Cable Lat Pulldown 1x10, 1x5
Upper Back Pulldown 1x8, 1x7
Cable Lat Row 1x8, 1x7
T Bar Row 1x4
Preacher Curl 1x6
Incline Cable Curl 1x8, 1x6, 1x5
8/23/23 (Legs)
Hottest day of the year so far today and of course it's my hardest workout of the program lol, they had the AC cranked today so it wasn't much of a biggie.
Leg Press was down from last rotation but I'm still playing around with foot positioning to keep my knee happy so I'm not really putting huge amounts of merit into the logbook right now. Rest and refeed tomorrow, hyped for that.
Calf Raise 1x8, 1x6
Adductor 1x9, 1x10
Lying Leg Curl 1x6, 1x10
RDL 1x5
Leg Extension 1x11, 1x5
Leg Press 1x4
8/24/23 (Rest)
Rest day today. Got a posing session in with some people at my gym, it was nice to get some help! Hope there are more to come. Refeed today as well. Other than that, typical rest day stuff: steps, check in's, content, food prep, etc.
8/25/23 (Push)
Expected a good Push day coming off yesterday's Refeed but this was just kinda an "off" day. Everything good logbook wise, just not happy with the "feel" of the workout. Need to rebound tomorrow and have a better day.
Cable Crunch + Leg Raise 1x12, 1x5
Smith Incline 1x4
Smith JM 1x6
Cybex Lateral 1x7
Reverse Pec Dec 1x7
Pec Dec Fly 1x18
Cuffed Tri Ext 1x10
Cuffed Lateral 1x10