8/26/23 (Pull)
Needed to have a solid Pull day today to rebound from yesterday's crappy Push and that's exactly what happened, reduced volume and will likely keep it here going forward for the forseeable future! Birthday tomorrow, stepping away from social media this weekend to chill out mentally a bit.
Shrug 1x8
Gloff Pulldown 1x10
Hammer High Row 1x8
Hammer Low Row 1x7
Upper Back Pulldown 1x9
EZ Bar Curl 1x7
Incline DB Curl 1x7
8/27/23 (Rest)
Rest day today and also my birthday! Spent the day with Carissa and my parents, ended up having a scheduled rest day for the first year in a while which was awesome! Super happy to spend the day with my family and I feel very fulfilled after today!
8/28/23 (Legs)
Great low volume Leg session today, these low volume sessions are really doing me good as of late: feeling much more recovered and "fresh" outside of the gym! Will continue this way for the forseeable future ~
Calf + Tib Raise 2x6+5
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x12, 1x8
Adductor 1x15
Leg Extension 1x9
Pendulum Squat 1x5
Seated Leg Curl 1x10
Hyper Extension 1x9
8/29/23 (Rest)
Rest day, BUSY day today! Morning cardio/posing/groceries and food prep, check in's done, content filmed and edited, tanning done, just an overall very busy day and STILL didn't finish all my work, taking some into tomorrow with me!
8/30/23 (Push)
Another devolume Push workout, pleased with where I'm at. Got some good posing practice in post workout as well, getting more and more confident with that as time goes on (imagine that lol)
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x11
Cable Y Raise 1x8
Cybex Press 1x5.75 (lol)
Weighted Dips 1x6
BTB Lateral 1x5
Cable Fly 1x8
Machine Dip 1x8
8/31/23 (Pull)
More low volume work, one-and-done type of day. Rest tomorrow, thank God for real.
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x10, 1x6
Cable Pulldown 1x7
Upper Back Pulldown 1x8
Cable Row 1x8
T Bar Row 1x7
Preacher Curl 1x6
Incline Curl 1x7
9/1/23 (Rest)
Rest day today and a busy one! Steps, grocery shopping, food prep (I'm headed home to my parents house this weekend so lots of food needed to be cooked). Cleaning, yadah yadah. Super busy day overall!
9/2/23 (Legs)
Great low volume leg session today, today was the most "up" I've been to train in a week or two. Refeeding tomorrow and then will more than likely keep up with the low volume approach, and possibly train every other day next week?? The extra recovery is doing me a LOT of good right now so may as well keep maximizing that.
Standing Calf Raise 1x8
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x11
Adductor 1x12
Lying Leg Curl 1x8
RDL 1x5
Leg Extension 1x10
Leg Press 1x4
9/3/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, I took this weekend as an opportunity to head home and visit my grandparents because I didn't get a chance to see them on my birthday. Packed all my meals and had a Refeed and it was just a great relaxing day overall!!
9/4/23 (Push)
Great Push day coming off a Refeed yesterday, still working at rock bottom volume. I moved some exercises around and Pressed later in the workout than normal but I loved how this workout "flowed" if that makes sense!
Cybex Lateral 1x7
Reverse Pec Dec 1x7
Pec Dec Fly 1x8
Smith Incline 1x3
Smith JM 1x6
Cuffed Lateral 1x11
Cuffed Tri Ext 1x10
9/5/23 (Pull)
One of those days where you don't feel like training but you get it done either way. Good numbers, good pump, moved at a good pace = job done, can't ask for more than that at this point. Rest tomorrow.
Decline Crunch + Leg Raise 1x8
Shrug 1x9
Gloff Pulldown 1x10
Hammer High Row 1x6
Hammer Low Row 1x6
Upper Back Pulldown 1x9
EZ Bar Curl 1x7
Incline DB Curl 1x6
9/6/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, started the day off with morning steps and cardio and then a posing session. I decided to add some extra food today, about 100-125 Carbs worth of my usual foods because I am getting some feedback from other experienced bodybuilders that I may be ahead of schedule with my conditioning and it may be in my best interest to start slowing things down fat-loss wise, so I fed up a little bit today. Ready for Legs tomorrow!
9/7/23 (Legs)
Solid Legs today, best the Pendulum has felt in weeks. I am considering swapping the Pendulum out for a Reverse Banded Hack because of the better SFR which would benefit me at this point in prep but I'll sleep on that decision for the next 10 days until I hit this workout again. Rest tomorrow and FOOTBALL TONIGHT BABY
Cable + Leg Raise 1x10, 1x7
Calf + Tib Raise 1x6/3, 1x8/2
Leg Extension 1x9
Adductor 1x16
Pendulum 1x4
Seated Leg Curl 1x11
Hyper Extension 1x10
9/8/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, busy work day BUT I finally feel like I'm caught up on work from these past few weekends! I've taken these past two weekends off for my birthday and to see my grandmother so the work that I've skipped has taken me a while to catch up on BUT it was worth it and I'm all caught up so life is good! 🙂
9/9/23 (Push)
I have been feeding up over the course of the past week thanks to some advice from my "second eyes" and training has gotten progressively better and better, today being no excetion. The extra food is doing wonders for my energy levels inside and outside of the gym with no detriment to the look so I have no plans of stopping this in the forseeable future.
Pull tomorrow, first time I've felt CONFIDENT training back to back days in weeks, no exaggeration.
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x12
Cybex Press 1x5, almost 6
Weighted Dip 1x5
Machine Dip 1x8
Y Raise 1x7
Cable Fly 1x8
BTB Lateral 1x5
9/10/23 (Pull)
Another great session coming off more food yesterday, I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN LOL. Repeating yesterday's diet today, will see where we stand tomorrow and assess from there. Football today baby, BEAR DOWN!!
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x6, 1x4
Cable Lat Pulldown 1x7
Upper Back Pulldown 1x9
Cable Lat Row 1x7
T Bar Row 1x7
Preacher Curl 1x5
Incline Cable Curl 1x6
9/11/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, started the morning off with a posing session with my local mentor and then had client check in's, posted content, edited videos, prepped food (the usual rest day stuff lol). Monday Night Football and One Piece to end the night! Legs tomorrow!
9/12/23 (Legs)
Hamstring work was down considerably today but all else is good, probably just an "off" day for the Hams. Will assess the following leg day(s) and adjust as needed. Rest day plus a posing session tomorrow!
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x10, 1x6
Calf Raise 1x7, 1x6
Adductor 1x9
Lying Leg Curl 1x5
RDL 1x3
Leg Extension 1x10
Leg Press 1x4
9/13/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, steps/cardio/posing and then a bunch of Zoom calls today, some new client consultations and client posing calls as well. Spent the afternoon posting and editing content and then prepping food as usual. Pretty solid rest day overall!
9/14/23 (Push)
Woke up feeling like a million bucks so I hit this one right away instead of waiting until the afternoon, probably the best Push session I've had in weeks. Diet break has been paying huge dividends in my training, looking forward to continuing this solid run!
Cybex Lateral 1x7
Reverse Pec Dec 1x7
Pec Dec Fly 1x9
Smith Incline 1x4
Smith JM 1x5
Cuffed Lateral 1x10
Cuffed Tri Ext 1x9
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x7
9/15/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, very busy day. Cardio and steps in the morning, posing in the afternoon and then I ran to GNC to re-up on some things and talk to the owner for a bit. Came home and prepped some food and then we had an UNTRACKED MEAL! Finally got an opportunity to celebrate Carissa's birthday and since we're on a Diet Break I wanted to take advantage of it and take her out so we had an awesome dinner and dessert and ended the night with some One Piece!
9/16/23 (Pull)
Digestion is completely fucked from the untracked meal last night but I feel amazing energy wise, amazing early morning Pull workout! Very happy with performance and the look afterwards! Busy day running errands and possibly seeing a movie later?? We'll see!
Crunch 1x8
Gloff Pulldown 1x9
Hammer High Row 1x6
Hammer Low Row 1x6
Upper Back Pulldown 1x9
EZ Bar Curl 1x5
Incline DB Curl 1x4
9/17/23 (Rest)
Rest day today, we had a baptism to go to this afternoon for Carissa's cousin's daughter so I woke up and got my steps in and got meals prepped for the day and we were off. Gone most of the afternoon and then unfortunately I got a panic attack out of nowhere when I got home so the rest of the day was a little "meh". Got my steps in and got my meals in and then took some Xanax and fell asleep at 9 pm lol.
9/18/23 (Legs)
I will be doing the Reverse Banded Hack Squat going forward on this leg day instead of the Pendulum Squat, the Hack offers a better SFR than the Pendulum and I want to get rid of things that cause unnecessary fatigue at this point in prep. Didn't expect to break any records today as I haven't been under a Hack in 5-6 months or so but I just wanted to get some quality reps in with quality control, will build these back up in the coming weeks!
Crunch 1x7, 1x4
Calf Raise 1x9, 1x8
Leg Extension 1x8
Adductor 1x15
Seated Leg Curl 1x12
Hyper Extension 1x10
Reverse Banded Hack Squat 1x7
9/19/23 (Rest)
Rest day, busy day today, was up early as hell at 4:30 am so I just got up and got to work right away. Morning steps and posing, groceries, then came home and did check in's, posted some content and filmed some stuff, did laundry and then prepped some food. Ended the night with some One Piece, Greek Yogurt and Diet Creme Soda lol.
9/20/23 (Push)
Bodyweight at an all time low, confidence at an all time high. I felt like I could have trained for hours today. Ready to strip off these last few pounds and do the damn thing!
Rear Delt Pulldown 1x8
Cable Y Raise 1x8
Cybex Press 1x5
Weighted Dips 1x5
BTB Lateral 1x6
Cable Fly 1x9
Machine Dip 1x8
Crunch + Leg Raise 1x10